Victims of Crime in Queensland

If you, or a family member or friend have experienced a violent crime, we acknowledge this may be a stressful time for you. We offer support to help you recover, and information to help you navigate through dealing with various agencies such as Police and the courts.

Victim Assist Queensland

If eligible, we also apply to Victims Assist Queensland, The Queensland Government department for financial assistance on your behalf. Regardless of whether your application is successful or not, we do not charge for this as the Department covers our costs.

Financial Assistance to Help Recovery

What type of assistance is available?
Financial assistance can be provided to eligible victims to cover:

  • counselling expenses
  • medical and dental expenses
  • reasonable incidental travel expenses
  • immediate expenses related to the act of violence, called interim assistance
  • primary victims may receive a special financial assistance payment
  • loss of earnings
  • damage to clothing
  • related victims may receive distress assistance
  • funeral expenses

Need legal advice or have an urgent enquiry?

Give us a call or send through your details. We are available 24/7

If you find yourself in need of a criminal lawyer in Queensland, contact Spark Lawyers for a free consultation.

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